The Working Committee

Working Committee

Tapestry Master - Beverly Compter
Overviews both the physical and artistic elements of the tapestry weaving. The primary implementer of the weaving of the tapestry and selection of the appropriate materials required. Overview of the maintenance of the work area and tapestry material requirements  
Tapestry Master's Assistant
To help and support the creation and weaving of the tapestry. Help manage the work area and materials (to be selected by Beverly
PR/ Publicity - Sue Gillard
Responsible for communicating with all appropriate groups and individuals and maintaining the on-going interest and participation of the widest possible community representation.  

Merchandising and Newsletter Editor - Tina Lumsden
Monitoring and overseeing a suitable range of tapestry related merchandise. Create attractive and interesting short monthly newsletter to be distributed by email. Maintain an up to date email list for newsletter
Convener for the Tapestry Hosts' Roster - Nancy Jackson 
Establishing and maintaining a roster of community members proficient in the relevant tapestry weaving skills who will provide a welcome to visitors to the tapestry work area and encourage and support their participation. 
Link Person to the Bach - Bev Russell or Heather
Maintain good communication at all times with the Bach members/committee and bring any issues or problems to the tapestry committee for resolution.
Link Person to the Council - Jill Hartles
Maintain on-going communication to and from the appropriate council members.
Link Person to Creative Fibre - Jill Ruddell
Maintain good communication with CF via the Area Meetings and provide occasional updates (photos) to the CF magazine 
Secretary - Jill Hartles
Secretarial requirements would be minimal and could be undertaken by Chairperson if needed. Brief recording of any matters discussed at convened meetings and time lines recorded for referral at future meetings if required. 
Treasurer outside committee - Glenda Ferguson
To report briefly to committee on grant moneys held in Tapestry account and any donations into that account. Outgoings - and maintain an overall view of financial requirements as tapestry progresses. Any need for grant requests to be brought forward as required. Maintain records required to satisfy grant requirements. 
Chairperson - Jill Hartles
Facilitate and chair meetings as required to enable the on-going weaving and ultimate completion of the tapestry. To provide the support and encouragement for all members of the committee in ensuring a happy, productive and co-operative atmosphere for all those involved with the creating of the tapestry. To assist in resolving any concerns that may arise during the weaving of tapestry. Have an overview of all those who contribute
in any way to creating the tapestry and ensure that they are recognized appropriately. Ensure that transparent communication is maintained at all times. 
To ensure on-going continuity between the setting up and working committees and to help maintain the integrity of the art work, design and intent of artist and creators of the project. Glenda Ferguson and Jackie Addenbrooke to be available as mentors and advisers, as and when relevant to the overall project and to participate in meetings as appropriate.

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