Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday 14th March 2014

 Maui Wipe, from Whangarei, thought the community
tapestry was wonderful. It's always good to see men 
having a go at tapestry weaving as it's not just 
something for the women. Historically, it was the men 
who did the weaving, while the women spun the yarn
 (and probably and tale or two!)
 Danielle Fryer, Maui's partner worked on the letter E 

 Karel Novackova takes a photo
of his wife working on the tapestry.
Veronika and Karel are from Czech Republic. 
 In the background are other visitors come to look at the tapestry.

Also to have a go at tapestry weaving was Tania Langen.
Thank you too each one of you for being part of the 
Whangarei Community Tapestry Project!

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